Toys Cloud Book
Algebra Prof. Boza Tasic, Prof. Mary Ann Kelso, Anwar Khader
Geometry Prof, Mary Ann Kelso, Anwar Khader
Trigonometry Prof, Mary Ann Kelso, Anwar Khader
Physics Prof. Daniel Roth, Khaled Al-Qarout
Computer Sciences Prof. Conor Ryan, Muhammad Abubakar
UAV: Copters
Air Hog Computations
Younger: Pinwheel 2D to 3D Visualization
Animated Folding: Fold from flat (2D) to 3D
Robot Arms
As simple and trivial as a robot arm looks, it is an incredibly difficult machine to manipulate, manually or automatically or autonomously.
There is need for children from young age to learn how to visualize compute and code simple robotic systems.
While children may not grow up to become roboticists, however they develop strong educational and analytic backgrounds simply by purchasing toys!
Two Link Robot Joint
Robot Hand and Joints
Beads: Polyhedron
3D Printing